As a private, non-profit, community-based organization dedicated to the improving the lives of foster and adopted children, vulnerable youth, and families throughout their life, we remain committed to growing our services, programs and outcomes based on a strong foundation of integrity and fiscal responsibility.
Our operating budget is funded by a combination of government contract revenue and fundraising. Approximately 60% of our annual funding comes from contracts with government agencies including RI DCYF.
Each year we raise approximately 40% of our operating budget, or close to $900,000 beyond contract revenue, to do the life-changing work that so many children and families depend on.
Find highlights of the impact of public and private investment in our mission, and detailed information on financials in our Gratitude Report and in IRS Form 990 below.
For more information about financials contact Darlene Allen, CEO & Executive Director,
Adoption Rhode Island is a registered 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. Our tax identification number is 22-254383