About Adoption Rhode Island

Partnerships & Alliances

By being proactive, flexible, and responsive as an independent agency, as well as through collaborations with other private and public, local and national organizations, Adoption Rhode Island delivers quality services and effective education and advocacy.

Although we are an independent organization, we have developed partnerships, affiliations and memberships that help us advance our efforts. We are also respectfully grateful to the businesses and organizations that have recognized our organization for our commitment to excellence.

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We are Organizational Members of:

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Families Rising
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RIBBA e1617207733644
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We have Government Contracts and Media Affiliations with:

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DCYF logo
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We have been Recognized by:

PBN e1617207693502
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We are a provisionally licensed behavioral health organization by:

Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities & Hospitals of Rhode Island

In addition to these important formal affiliations, Adoption Rhode Island is proud to be in partnership with many leading corporate, community, business and philanthropic organizations and individuals who join in advancing our mission through grants, donations and in-kind services. See a partial listing here.