Programs & Initiatives

Youth & Young Adult Services

In 2024 Adoption Rhode Island enhanced our Youth Transitions Services department, becoming Youth & Young Adult Services offering additional opportunities for young adults ages 18-24 at risk for homelessness, aging out of the foster care system, transitioning from care into independent living, and juvenile justice involved youth and young adults who will, or already have aged out of foster care. This division serves youth in RI DCYF care at- risk of aging out of foster care as well as young adults who have exited foster care.

Teen Focus

Teen Focus is a permanency and education- focused program funded through the RI Department of Children, Youth and Families to help teens build meaningful connections, and improve their readiness for transition into adulthood. Teen Focus Permanency Specialists work with youth and young adults to build supportive networks, identify supportive family members and whenever possible achieve legal permanency through adoption, reunification or guardianship prior to exiting state care. Our Education Specialists work with youth to make sure they are on a path to earn their High School Diploma or GED, that they explore post-secondary opportunities, and are equipped with Life Skills to help them be successful, independent adults. The Education Specialists assist youth and young adults with obtaining employment, identification, driver’s licenses and more. The Teen Focus team work with 74 youth who are referred by DCYF and RI Family court.

Funded by DCYF logo
Funded by DCYF logo

YoungandYoungAdult Graduation

Learn more about supportive programming for youth and young adults.

Some services are direct referral from RI DCYF, others are open. Contact Alex DeRita,, for more information.

YouthYoungAdult BoyinWhiteShirt

Education and Advocacy


Adoption Rhode Island has an Educational Consultant who assists children, youth and families who participate in ARI programs with consultation, advocacy, information and referral.

Basic Needs

Adoption Rhode Island provides a limited amount of basic needs items, gift cards, hygiene supplies, housing supplies, clothing, etc. to former foster youth in crisis. Service is based on grant funding and private donations.

Workshops and Trainings

Youth and Young Adult Services offers a variety of workshops to teach our young adults lifeskills and provide information on subjects such as healthcare, continued education, financial aid, career development, housing, etc.

Youth Enrichment

Wish program- Adoption Rhode Island has provided wishes for many young people to attend their first concerts, take art and dance lessons, join a sports team and go to a sporting event. This program is funded through corporate and individual donor support. The staff of ARI refers youth from each of the programs across the agency.


Making KINnections

Adoption Rhode Island’s Making KINnections program is an innovative family search and engagement program for youth and young
adults, who are experiencing homelessness and housing instability. The goal of the program is to identify, search for, and establish
connections and re-connections with family members, kin, and other natural supports, such as previous teachers, coaches, and other
community leaders, with the hope of identifying temporary or long- term housing with identified resources.

For more information see below:

For Providers

For Clients

Copley Chambers Housing

The Copley Chambers project is a collaboration among Adoption RI, Marathon Development, House of Hope, and Providence Community Health Center. The four-story, 27-unit historic building on the South Side of Providence, provides housing for young adults who have experienced state foster care and were homeless or at-risk of homelessness.

Youth Development Services

Youth Development Services (YDS) is contracted through Communities for People and works closely with DCYF’s IMPACT Mentor program to help youth find permanent figures in their own lives and sustain that relationship for a lifetime.

Youth & Young Adult Services Overview

To download a printable one page overview of our Youth & Young Adult Services, click the image below.
YYAS One Pager

For a comprehensive summary of all major ARI programs and services, click below: