About Adoption Rhode Island


Adoption Rhode Island is an open and welcoming organization that respects and values diversity.

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Employee Equal Opportunity Policy

It is the policy of Adoption Rhode Island to provide every applicant for employment and every employee the right of equal treatment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex (except where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, mental or physical handicap unrelated to ability, and status as a military veteran.

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Employee Non-Discrimination Policy

Adoption Rhode Island is firmly committed to equal opportunity and equity of access and does not permit and takes actions to prevent discrimination, harassment, and retaliation on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability/ability, marital status, and/or family status in provision of serving youth, children, pre-adoptive or adoptive families, or waiting families at the organization. Allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation on any of these bases should be brought to the attention of agency administration immediately by reporting such conduct to the: (1) CEO/ED, (2) COO, (3) a member of management with whom the concerned staff feels comfortable, or (4) immediate supervisor.

Client Non-Discrimination Policy

Adoption Rhode Island is firmly committed to equal opportunity and equity of access and does not permit and takes actions to prevent discrimination, harassment, and retaliation on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability/ability, marital status, and/or family status in provision of serving youth, children, pre-adoptive or adoptive families, or waiting families at the organization. Allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation on any of these bases should be brought to the attention of agency administration immediately by reporting such conduct to the: (1) CEO/ED, (2) COO, (3) a member of management with whom the concerned staff feels comfortable, or (4) immediate supervisor.

Commitment to Equity

The values of equity and justice are core to our work at Adoption Rhode Island. We unequivocally denounce racism, intolerance, and exclusion. We denounce hate in all its forms.We believe taking a stand is not enough. We, have been on a path of exploration to identify how to more fully operationalize our core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion into all our policies, programs and advocacy endeavors, as well as model those values as we advance our mission. We believe that embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion as organizational values, is a way to intentionally make space for positive outcomes to flourish.

Agency Location

Adoption RI is located at 290 West Exchange Street, Suite 100, in the heart of Providence’s Federal Hill area. Offices are close to downtown, great restaurants, and routes 95, 195, 6, and 10. We are proud to serve children, youth, young adults, and family statewide.

Agency Requirements

All applicants must (1) be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, (2) pass a criminal Background Criminal Investigation (BCI), 3) have non-disqualifying results from the RI Child Abuse & Neglect Tracking System (CANTS), (4) have an acceptable driving record, (5) access to reliable transportation, (6) possess valid and continuous automobile insurance that meets the state’s minimum insurance requirements, (7) hold an active license with the RI Department of Health (RIDOH) for applicable positions.

Why Should You Apply?


Competitive benefits


Flexible hours


On-the-job training & professional development


Passionate, committed team environment

Current Openings

We currently have the following openings in our Youth Transition Services Program for the following positions:

Teen Focus Permanency Specialist

YTS Young Adult Support Specialist

Our Advancement Department is seeking to fill the following new position:
Data Management Specialist

Our Child and Family Support team is looking to hire the following:
Clinical Director

To apply for any of these positions: Send letter of interest and resume to hiring@adoptionri.org.