Born: 2007
“I want to be understood and cared about!”
Meet Mylikai, an inquisitive young man who looks at the world with a curious eye to figure out how things work. This teen has a thoughtful and loveable disposition that shines through once he has established a positive rapport with a person.
Mylikai enjoys playing video games and wants to be able to join a sport’s team someday, maybe football, basketball, or soccer! Although he has not yet had the opportunity to play on a team, he is a very athletic young man. Mylikai is a hands-on kiddo. He enjoys putting puzzles together, building Legos and playing cards, such as Uno. He also enjoys organizing his Pokémon and Magic cards.
Mylikai isn’t a teen of many words but of great insight, especially about himself. He has experienced much loss and admittedly needs time to build trust with adults due to the many times he has been let down. However, once you’ve gained some trust with him, you’re in! You will see the caring, friendly, and thoughtful boy, who wants to share himself with a family. A family that meets him where he is physically, emotionally, and mentally; providing the love, support, and security he needs.
When asked what a FOREVER family should be made up of, he responded with the words, “LOVE, understanding and a dog.” Are these things you could provide?